2348145 | |
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Other Workstations (AW) | |
GE HealthCare | |
2348145 | |
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- Linux Red Hat 7.3 Release Operating System
- Good Stability and Reliability
- Comes In CD-ROM Media
- With Labeling Information
Product Overview
This Linux Red Hat 7.3 Release Version is a back-up operating system (OS). Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® 7.3 is based on Linux platform and provides enterprises with a security-enhanced, stable platform for innovation, whether it’s Internet-of-Things (IoT) deployments or Linux container-based applications. This technology overview includes additional information on new features and enhancements as they relate to performance, security, reliability, Linux containers, and more. The back-up operating system comes in a 5.25 inch CD-ROM media with labeled information on the back and packed inside a jewel case. The CD-ROM with Operating System will be shipped in suitable packaging to provide adequate protection during transit.This back-up operating system (OS) is used with Advantage Workstations (AW) due to its security features and stability.